Author, Life Coach, Leadership Coach, Relationship Coach and Corporate trainer Dipankar, Web:, ph:9989675936

Monday, August 18, 2014

The only person you can have total control is yourself.
If we can’t manage our time and organise ourselves, most of us will blame external factors and others. If a person is not able to reach office in time he may blame- public transport, traffic jam or wife for not preparing meal in time. The list goes on: ‘I wish I had my own transport, I wish my office would have been near by, I wish my office timing would have been delayed by an hour”.
If I could not complete my assignment in time, “I wish I was given some more time, I wish my subordinates were well trained, so and so...” I look for all solutions outside. What am I doing? I am trying to control others or external environment. How many people can I control or can I control external activities? The only person you can have total control is yourself. The concept is shown in illustration below.
The dot in the centre is you and there is a small circle of people around you where you have some influence or some control, i.e. if you tell them to do something for you, they will do for you (if possible by them). But they will not do anything and everything for you. For example, if you are not feeling well and ask your mother to prepare a special meal for you; she will prepare for you. If you ask for help from your superiors to complete an assignment, they will help you as much as possible by them. The areas of influence consist of your family members, friends, subordinates and superiors; where you do have some control on them but not total control. The only person you can have total control is you. But do you have total control on yourself or others control you? Think about it.

The outer circle around ‘area of control’ is the ‘area of concern’. The area of concern is the whole world other than you and your area of influence (area of control). Anything happens in this world affects our life directly or indirectly i.e. it bothers us. But we don’t have any control on those areas. Let’s take an example. Suppose there is match between India & Pakistan, and India wins the match. How do you feel? We feel happy. And if India loses the match, how do you feel? Sad & depressed! Can you do anything about it? But we keep on gossiping and commenting on the match even though the match is over long time ago.
In this world every one of us has got 24 hours. If you are spending more time on the area of concern, where you don’t have any control or influence, then you are spending less time on yourself and on the area of influence. If you are not spending time for your growth, you will be left behind. You can keep on improving your intellectual (IQ), emotional knowledge (EQ) and Spiritual Knowledge (SQ) to grow throughout your life. If you are sound financially, mentally, emotionally and spiritually then only you can take care of others. The more time you spend on yourself for your growth, your area of influence will increase as you will be able to contribute to more people. The more time you spend on your ‘area of concern’, your area of influence decreases. For example, our former president Dr.Abdul Kalam has spent more time on his growth to improve his intellectual. Therefore now he has got influence on more number of people.
To be successful in your life you must prioritise your time in the following manner:
1. Spend time for your self growth
2. Spend time for your near & dear ones
3. Then you if have got any time left spend for society.

If you want to help the society, you must be independent. Only independent people can be interdependent.